About Robert Carr

Dr. Linda Carr is able to support medical professionals preparing for medical specialty boards, because she also has a support team of her own: Robert Calvin Carr, MA.

Robert works with the administrative side of Coaching for Medical Specialty Boards, founded in 2009. He works in areas of contract negotiations, marketing, planning and evaluating developmental initiatives.

Robert is retired from a long illustrious profession in the architecture and design world. He obtained a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) degree from The Ohio State University, and an MA (Master of Arts) from Michigan State University.

Rob founded the Interior Architecture program at his wife’s alma mater, Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Twelve years later, Robert became the Chair of the Art & Design Department of the College of Architecture and Design at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, Michigan. As a tenured Chairman, he held the rank of Associate Professor of Architecture. Lawrence is one of the nation’s largest school of architecture boasting the ownership of a Frank Lloyd Wright house built in 1941, located in Bloomfield Hills.

While at Lawrence, Robert gained accreditation for the first time for the Interior Architecture program. His criteria for judging the program was so well liked by the national accrediting board that they used it to judge other programs nationally. He also created the “dual-degree” so a student could obtain the bachelor of architecture degree and the bachelor of interior architecture in as little as one more year of schooling. Carr planned and conducted various tours of Europe during his tenure. “Homes and Castles of Great Britain and Western Europe” was the first and the 4 Scandinavian countries was his second tour. He also put together an extensive 4-day tour of architecture in Chicago that was attended by over 300 students and 22 faculty members.

Robert has owned his own business for many years, the first located in Sarasota, Florida and later in Scottsdale, Arizona. He boasts an illustrious list of clientele which included Disney executives, and Presidents of major companies, e.g. Timex Watch, T-Gen, Dial Corporation, Tropicana Industries, President of Cirque du Soliel, President of National Cash Register, and was also an in-house designer for Hyatt Hotels.

His avocation is music, keyboard and singing and has enjoyed hiking and much travel.

Robert Calvin Carr, MA, supports the administrating side of the coaching program.