Having a study space at home that is welcoming and functional can make the board preparation more productive and less stressful. This post offers several ideas for creating a study space that motivates and inspires you to do your best. Experiment with these unique ideas to make your study space comfortable and productive.

Have a Dedicated Place to Study

Creating a designated distraction-free zone is critical to a productive study environment. Whether it’s a bedroom, a closet, or another location in your home, prepare a workspace with everything that you need—a desk or table, high-speed Wi-Fi with fast downloading capacity, adequate task lighting, a chair (correct size and height for your body with ergonomic support), and a bookcase or shelves for study material. Dedicating a particular area to your board preparation will train your brain to focus exclusively on studying and not be distracted by other things.

For variety, occasionally study in other locations, such as a library, which often has private study rooms or carrels.

Maintain a Proper Posture at your Computer

Maintaining a proper posture while using the computer is necessary to avoid back pain or pain in your neck, shoulder, or wrist. Sitting with proper alignment improves blood flow, supports your body, and helps keep your nerves and blood vessels healthy. When sitting correctly, the top of your computer screen should be level with your eyes. Ideally, sit so your feet are flat on the floor with your knees at 90-degree angles. Rest your forearms on the top of your desk so you can type without any stress on your joints.

Light Up Your Study Space

Prevent eye strain by ensuring your learning space has plenty of light. Light influences your well-being and health and positively impacts motivation and performance. Place your desk or table near a window for natural light to filter in during study time. Ensure you have adequate lighting for your visual tasks to prevent eye strain. Consider using energy-efficient LED bulbs. Remember that complex visual tasks require higher illumination. On your desk, position the base of lamp shades at chin level so the light source is always out of view. Proper lighting will help you feel more awake and better able to focus.

Add Plants and Scents

Incorporating a low-maintenance plant, such as a cactus or succulent, or other natural elements adds fresh air and a natural feel to refresh your eyes. Plants reduce stress and help create a calming atmosphere. Adding a refreshing scent (e.g., essential oils, such as Rosemary, Sage, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus) can help you increase concentration and get more work done.

Stay in the Zone by Creating a Playlist

Some individuals like to listen to music without lyrics while they study. Others like to listen to upbeat music to get into the study groove. Whatever you prefer, create or select a playlist of lyric-free soft background music to motivate and keep you focused. Classical music is preferred; however, memorizing a sequence of facts may be more difficult. Consider using earbuds or headphones or an ambient noise machine or program.

Create Opportunities for Movement

Create a stand-to-sit space that encourages changing positions and moving throughout your study period. For variety, use a desk for standing and another for sitting. Study in different locations (library, bookstore, coffee shop, or outdoors) to keep things fresh. Keep a yoga mat handy for stretching during study breaks.

Personalize Your Space

Create a welcoming space with your favorite colors and décor that appeal to you. Add personal touches such as photos and artwork. Frame a picture of your goal or add an inspirational poster that motivates you. Leave room for your awards and accolades to remind you of your accomplishments.

Keep Your Study Space Clean and Uncluttered

Too much stuff on your desk can be distracting, so remove unnecessary items from your study space. Consider your workspace as critical real estate—keep it organized and uncluttered. Invest in a desk organizer to keep the necessary supplies you often use within reach. Be consistent about leaving your study space clean and uncluttered.

Turn Off Digital Temptations

When studying, the phone can be the biggest distraction affecting your focus and time management. Set digital devices to silent or turn them off. Better yet, place them in a drawer or in another room to prevent distractions. Distractions can impair attention and interfere with learning.

Energize and Focus Learning with the Pomodoro Timer

Time management and prioritizing are critical for effective board review. Schedule your study time on your smartphone and set an alert to keep you on task. Increase your productivity by breaking up large tasks into easy 25-minute Pomodoros, then take a 5-minute break (every 4, take a 20-30-minute break). Using the Pomodoro Technique helps you stay focused on your immediate task. Remember … you don’t stop working if the timer is active unless it’s a real emergency.

Keep Healthy Snacks and Beverages at Your Desk

Glucose helps your brain focus, so keep these healthy items nearby: snacks (fruit, healthy trail mix ingredients, such as almonds, fruit, dark chocolate, air-popped popcorn, and Edamame) and beverages (water is ideal, or infuse it with fruit; hot chocolate improves attention and processing speed, and memory; non-caffeinated drinks (e.g., turmeric latte, tea with ginger and honey, lemon-ginger tea); avoid sweet fizzy and energy drinks, which are high in sugar).

Don’t let a boring study space hold you back. Use these tips to create the perfect study environment to stay productive and focused on your board preparation.


Linda L. Carr, Ph.D., Founder/Principal at Coaching for Medical Specialty Boards, is a medical educator and learning specialist who coaches physicians preparing for specialty boards through virtual, one-on-one coaching. Visit www.DrLindaCarr.org to learn more about her program and download her FREE Study Guide.